Energy Ministers meet in Melbourne for the sixteenth COAG Energy Council meeting


The new South Australian Minister for Energy and Mining, the Hon Dan van Holst Pellekaan, was welcomed by the Council. The Council also acknowledged the significant contribution of the previous South Australian Energy Minister Tom Koutsantonis.

Ministers acknowledged the significant and enduring contribution of Mr Terry Effeney, who sadly passed away in March 2018. Mr Effeney held many leadership positions in the electricity industry in Queensland and was highly regarded by the energy industry in Australia. Mr Effeney was also a panel member of the Finkel Review and was remembered for his willingness to share his time and expertise, his warmth and his strength of character .

The National Energy Guarantee

Dr Kerry Schott AO, Chair of the Energy Security Board (ESB), presented the ESB’s high level design proposal for the National Energy Guarantee ( the Guarantee) . The Commonwealth Government also presented its paper, including the emissions target and the treatment of emissions – intensive trade – exposed industries.

The Energy Council noted the ESB’s National Energy Guarantee High Level Design Document and the Australian Government’s National Energy Guarantee – Update on Commonwealth Design Elements Paper. The Energy Council agreed the ESB progress development of the detailed design of the Guarantee f or determination by the Council at its August 2018 meeting.

As part of this process, ESB will c onsult with jurisdictions on the specific details of the design. The meeting noted that the states have raised issues that will require further work ahead of th e August meeting. Ministers agreed to convene again in a phone hook – up in June to discuss the progress of the detailed design. The development of the detailed design will also include opportunities for stakeholder feedback.

The ESB and Commonwealth papers are available on t he COAG Energy Council website.

Transmission Planning and Interconnection

Ministers agreed the Energy Security Board would have responsibility for coordinating the work of the energy market bodies on planni ng and regulation of the transmission system and interconnection, and report to ministers at the August 2018 meeting about the progress of this coordinated work.

 Equipment Energy Efficiency

Ministers agreed to further improve lighting energy efficiency re gulation by phasing out inefficient halogen light bulbs and introducing minimum standards for LED light bulbs in line with European Union standards.

Resources issues

Ministers discussed the Resources 2030 Taskforce, which has been established by the Commonwealth Government to inform the development of a Resources Statement. The Resources Statement will outline a long – term vision for a competitive and sustainable Australian resources sector to 2030 and beyond.