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Australia, Singapore to drive cooperation on low-emissions technologies

The prime ministers of Australia and Singapore have agreed to work together on practical projects and initiatives in developing hydrogen markets and renewable electricity trade.

CEC calls for clean energy stimulus package in the face of COVID-19

As Australian governments ready and implement economic stimulus and recovery packages in the face of the Coronavirus outbreak, the Clean Energy Council is calling on them to back renewable energies. Clean energy can stave off economic impacts and pave the road to recovery.


REC Group’s innovative Alpha 72 set for production

The REC Group’s novel Alpha 72 module has tested through the roof and is looking to come in on the roof of the market, literally. pv magazine Australia sat down with REC’s Paul Scerri to lay the module out.

COAG Energy Council in the time of Coronavirus

“This has been one of the most challenging summers on record …” begins the communique from Friday’s meeting of the COAG Energy Council. The Coronavirus could achieve what drought and bushfires failed to bring about — a coordinated governmental and industry response to ensuring that our energy system — irrevocably in transition towards renewables — becomes more secure, reliable and fit for purpose along the way.

Tanking Australian dollar and COVID-19: Threats and opportunities for solar and storage

The impact of COVID-19 will leave its mark on our society and economy while a sliding Australian dollar is likely to make imported goods more expensive. In its webinar held on Thursday, the Smart Energy Council is discussing business tips on how to weather the storm over the next six months. And a question arises: Can residential and commercial solar and storage buck the trend against the economic recession which is on the way?

AEMO moves to highest level in pandemic response to keep lights on

The energy market operator has enacted a full suite of pandemic responses to provide the maximum possible protection of essential supplies in these trying times for critical operations and people.


Forget toilet paper, consumers are panic buying solar

Byron Bay’s Smart Energy is seeing an unprecedented surge in sales and enquiries of solar and home storage as consumers look to shore themselves up in uncertain times.


Pilbara miner Element 25 secures capital for its “green metals” export plan

Australian miner Element 25 has secured $2 million in capital to further advance its plans to mine manganese in the Pilbara for export. The key to the project is the utilisation of renewable energies to bring down the price and compete with Chinese suppliers.

Analyst expects recovery for PV and storage supply chains

U.S.-owned analyst Wood Mackenzie expects solar demand to decline but predicts the market will recover, with the prospects for the energy transition remaining intact.

Australian Government stimulates solar PV in the face of Coronavirus threat

The Australian Government’s “Economic Response to the Coronavirus” incentivises commercial and industrial solar PV uptake.


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