Network Opportunity Maps updated


This release is part of the continued push by network businesses to improve network efficiency and lower network prices. It also highlights opportunities for the integration of clean energy in the grid and works towards common digital markets for cost-effective alternatives to building capital-intensive infrastructure, in alignment with the Network Transformation

Check out some examples of the investments and deferral value opportunities for:

Don’t forget to use the time slider bar at the bottom of the screen!

(for regular visitors you may need to clear your browser cache to ensure you see the latest data)

Data currency and next updates

Constraint map updates are released twice a year. This release includes refreshed datasets for distribution network businesses in the National Electricity Market covering the period 2019 – 2028 [TS1] (summer season occurring at the beginning of that year and winter season in the middle of that year).

The next data update will be in the second half of 2019 for transmission businessesand the first half of 2020 for distribution businesses. We are working on releasing more downloadable content for stakeholders to work with outside of AREMI with this update, so watch this space.

The New Generator Connection Capacity Maps are updated by each participating business on an ad hoc basis as required.

For more information visit the NOM web page.