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Perovskite-silicon tandems could rapidly scale solar

Halide perovskites combined with conventional silicon could help solar break the 26% efficiency barrier – disrupting the technology without disrupting business systems.

Portable charging trailer for commercial EV fleets

U.S.-based Xos offers a mobile charging station for commercial electric fleets, in order to provide power without making fixed infrastructure upgrades.

Crystal arrangement results in 1,000x more power from ferroelectric solar cells

German researchers developed a lattice arrangement of three different layers of ferroelectric crystals that created a powerful photovoltaic effect.

Residential PV makes EVs cheaper, reduces emissions

The maintenance cost of an electric vehicle is estimated to be significantly lower than internal combustion engines, and studies show home solar furthers the cost savings and boosts carbon emission reductions.


Multi-day iron-air batteries reach commercialization… at one tenth of the cost of lithium

Boston startup Form Energy has secured US$200 million (AU$270 million) Series D funding for the development of what is being called a breakthrough in energy storage.


Solar beach umbrella cools you… and your gelato

An MIT-spawned company has teamed up with architects and an Italian frozen-desserts brand to design an origami-inspired umbrella to power fridges.

Solar energy collectors… grown from seeds!

Rice University engineers produced “near-perfect” 2D perovskite crystals for photovoltaic applications, grown from seeds.

Roll-out solar arrays installed in successful NASA spacewalk

The first new ISS Roll-Out Solar Array (iROSA) has been installed on the International Space Station.

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