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Residential PV

AEMO’s VPP integration trial, decentralized energy exchange secure funding

The Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) will underpin two innovative distributed energy projects – a trial to integrate a virtual power plant into the National Energy Market and a digital marketplace for grid services provided by rooftop solar arrays, batteries and EVs owned by Australian homes and businesses.

2018 smashed renewables records across the board, CEC finds

A new report from the Clean Energy Council confirms 2018 shattered all records in terms of investment in renewables and capacity additions. The CEC finds that more than 2.3 GW of new renewable energy projects were completed in 2018. Both large-scale and rooftop solar experienced their best ever year.


Global cumulative PV capacity tops 480 GW, IRENA says

New global PV additions reached 94.2 GW in 2018, according to the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). Asia is the region with the largest share of cumulative PV capacity, with around 274.6 GW, followed by Europe and North America with 119.3 GW and 55.3 GW, respectively.

Victoria to make smart inverters mandatory for Solar Homes

Following the decision to require retailers taking part in the Solar Homes program to be signatories to the Clean Energy Council’s Solar Retailer Code of Conduct, the Victorian government has set specific requirements for inverters that will be installed under the program.


Ausgrid, Reposit Power launch VPP trial in NSW

The solar households which choose to participate in the trial will receive direct cash payments of up to $135 per year, depending on the size of their battery system.

Solar supplies more power than brown coal or gas

Solar has grown so much that its output exceeded brown coal and gas over the summer months, between 9am to 5pm. New analysis by Green Energy Markets shows that across the whole of summer, renewable energy produced 128% more megawatt-hours of electricity than gas and 23% more than brown coal.

Strong support for South Australia’s 100% renewables target

New polling from The Australia Institute shows that almost 70% of South Australian voters regardless of political leanings want to see the state transition to 100% renewable energy by the year 2030.


Australian first climate bond gives investors new access to solar and storage market

In what is described as Australian first climate bond, which gives investors access to new ways to invest in solar and storage, the Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC) has contributed $10 million towards the latest of FlexiGroup’s green bond issuances. The inclusion of energy storage in the underlying asset base is viewed as an important market development.

Australia renewables supply reaches 21.2%, rooftops provide record solar contribution

While renewables continue to do their bit on decarbonizing the energy sector, national emissions, especially in the transport sector, continue to rise amid a lack of any federal or state government limits, The Australia Institute warns. Total renewable supply, including rooftop solar, is at 21.2% of generation from all sources across the NEM, eating into the share once firmly held by coal and gas.


Victoria to require installers to sign CEC’s Code of Conduct for Solar Homes

The Victorian government is giving smaller solar installers eight months to sign up to the Clean Energy Council’s Solar Retailer Code of Conduct if they want to qualify for the Solar Homes program. For larger retailers, the deadline to become Approved Solar Retailers is July.


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