Trina Solar brings sunshine to Australian children with Vertex S+ modules


Total installed capacity of the project is 35.1 kW, using Trina Solar’s Vertex S+ modules. Once connected to the grid, it will generate 40,065.91 kWh and cut CO2 emissions by 33.58 tonnes a year.

Vertex S+ modules, based on 210 mm rectangular silicon wafer (210R) cell technology and n-type i-TOPCon advanced technology, deliver power of up to 450 W and efficiency of 22.5%. With guaranteed lifetime output, Vertex S+ modules maximise performance in relatively small rooftop spaces. The 1.6+1.6 mm lightweight dual-glass structure with a white encapsulant ensures ultra-high reliability and safety.

In addition, the Vertex S+ module provides a stable power supply, providing children at the community centre with a comfortable environment in which they can play and learn. The energy produced by Trina Solar modules can be used in various ways, such as powering electrical systems in the centre, including lighting, heating and air conditioning. By using Vertex S+ modules, carbon emissions can be cut by 11% compared with when traditional backsheet panels are used. The centre can thus make a great contribution to reducing carbon emissions, thus helping produce a cleaner environment and cutting costs.

Using solar energy in an educational setting also provides an inspirational model for students and the community more broadly, demonstrating how we can all play a role in protecting the planet. The project also demonstrates once again Trina Solar’s commitment to creating a net-zero future.

Trina Solar, with its mission of “solar energy for all”, serves global customers with highly efficient and highly reliable products, delivering green energy to the world.