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Victoria, ACT harden stance on NEG, clear battle lines form

As the debate heats up in the run up to Friday’s COAG meeting, the Victorian government has issued a last-minute call to redraft the proposed National Energy Guarantee (NEG), and the Australian Capital Territory has redefined its NEG approval conditions in regard to the emissions target. Meanwhile, Australia’s peak renewable energy bodies have taken opposing positions.

Taiwan’s Neo Solar Power narrows loss ahead of merger

Taiwanese cell producer, Neo Solar Power has posted a net loss of NT$390 million (US$12.75 million) for the second quarter of 2018. Though indicative of the difficult times currently facing Taiwan’s cell manufacturers, the figures represent a 39.3% reduction compared with the previous quarter’s loss.

Combining PPAs with demand response delivers savings for businesses

A new report shows that coupling renewable power purchase agreements with demand response, reducing consumption when prices are high, could increase electricity savings on top of those delivered under the PPA by one third.


Majority of Australians want more renewables, poll shows

In the lead up to a COAG energy ministers’s critical meeting this week, a poll conducted by ReachTEL for Greenpeace Australia Pacific shows that over 70% of respondents want an ambitious renewable energy target to drive down electricity prices.

Prices begin to stabilize, though falling revenues and job losses expected among Chinese manufacturers

According to reports from Energy Trend, a 30% decline in PV demand from China this year will likely spell trouble for some of the country’s major module manufacturers, with job losses and factory closures expected, despite China’s determination to open new international markets for its PV industry.

ACT power bills on rise, solar saves around 50%, report finds

With all eyes on the ACT cabinet, which remains unconvinced of the National Energy Guarantee as a complete policy solution beyond 2020, a new analysis of energy prices shows that ACT household power bills continue to rise. Solar owners, however, are largely insulated from bill shock.

Energy Security Board issues final NEG design details, urges immediate endorsement

On the back of its large-scale renewable boom, Australia has seen a drop in wholesale electricity prices and a downward emissions trajectory. So, the questions arises: what extra value can the hotly-contested National Energy Guarantee create for Australia’s electricity market beyond 2020? The Energy Security Board has had its final say on the issue.


WA energy minister shifts focus from solar subsidies to battery incentives

The Western Australia government has signaled scrapping or winding back subsidies for rooftop solar, while looking for ways to boost battery uptake.

CEC: 3.1 GW of solar in construction pipeline, policy uncertainty undermines long-term investment confidence

According to the latest statistics from the Clean Energy Council (CEC), there are 42 wind and solar projects totaling 6239 MW worth close to $10 billion currently in construction or due to start soon across Australia. The unprecedented large-scale renewables activity is, however, surrounded by growing uncertainty over future policy and regulatory change.

AEMC turns to new technologies

In its annual reports, the Australian Energy Market Commission has proposed a number of changes to tighten Australia’s power system and improve reliability and regulation, reflecting on opportunities and challenges created by a significant increase in the uptake of distributed energy resources. The new recommendations are likely to encourage network development towards P2P energy trading, VPPs and electric vehicle charging.

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