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Utility Scale Storage

Hornsdale big battery expansion gets regulatory approval

The Essential Services Commission of South Australia has given the tick of approval for the Tesla big battery to vary its electricity generation license in line with its increased capacity from 100 to 150 MW.


WoodMac: Australia’s energy storage capacity to more than double in 2020

According to new research from Wood Mackenzie, Australia is set to add 1.2 GWh of energy storage capacity in 2020, more than double the 499 MWh installed in 2019.


New Battery Performance Standard proposed for Australia, and possibly the world

A new Battery Performance Standard for residential and small-scale commercial applications has finally been submitted to Standards Australia. If adopted, the standard could clarify consumer confusion around which energy storage system is right for them.


Hydrogen storage in salt caverns

Researchers in Germany have identified salt caverns as a feasible and flexible solution for hydrogen storage. They also revealed that Europe has the potential to inject hydrogen in bedded salt deposits and salt domes, with a total storage capacity of 84.8 PWh.

Marinus in a blink

Prime Minister Scott Morrison today announced six of 15 projects to be fast-tracked for jobs creation, among them the Marinus Link interconnector between the Australian mainland and Tasmania, which promises to unlock renewable projects on either side of Bass Strait.

Update on acquisitions of ASX-listed renewables developers

In its formal bidder’s statement, Philipines UAC Energy has urged Infigen shareholders to accept its takeover bid of $0.80 a share, while Infigen remained adamant no action should be taken in relation to the “opportunistic” offer. Previously, the acquisition of another prominent renewables developer, Windlab, was greenlit in a landslide shareholder vote.

New insights into lithium-ion battery structure

Scientists at Moscow’s Skoltech Center for Energy Science and Technology have developed a method of visualizing the formation of layers on battery electrodes during their initial operation. The observations reveal various mechanisms that could be optimized to improve battery performance and operational lifetime.

Fluence proposes 250 MW BESS case scenario to VNI West RIT-T

Who says that upgrade of energy transmission need march across the landscape as massive metal towers strung with buzzing electricity lines? One battery energy storage system provider is offering an alternative vision — fast deployment, scaleability and flexible application of assets that can’t be stranded…


Adani chief talks solar and hydrogen storage opportunity

Covid-19 crisis has provided system operators with insights on keeping the grid stable with high levels of renewable penetration. Post Covid-19, this may be the new norm, Gautam Adani said in a LinkedIn post recently.


CEC publishes first ever national study of renewable energy workforce

The continuing dominance of the small-scale solar sector and the great potential for regional and rural jobs are just some of the findings in the Clean Energy Council’s “Clean Energy At Work”, a first-of-its-kind extensive report into the current renewable energy workforce and its potential over the next 10-15 years.


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