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Residential PV

Rapid large scale solar segment growth potential risk to quality

The rapid build out of a large pipeline of utility scale PV projects around Australia could stretch the experienced installation labour force, threatening quality. Solar industry veteran and the Managing Director of PI Berlin Lars Podlowski made the warning as the company expands into Australia through its acquisition of quality assurance provider SolarBuyer.

CRC-P awards $8.34 million for three green projects

Under the Cooperative Research Center Program 4th Selection Round, the Australian Federal Government will extend a grant for a smart home energy management system. Other awarded green projects involve an energy storage technology alternative for lithium-ion batteries and innovative generation of low cost, zero-emission, reliable electricity.

November’s rooftop record, large C&I, storage still to come

A major milestone was surpassed in the Australian PV market last month, indicating that the rooftop solar sector is in robust health. However, not tracked in the figures underlying the record are large commercial rooftops and distributed battery storage, and reports are that here too strong growth is being achieved.

European PV market expected to grow by 35% in 2018 – GTM Research

European countries such as France, Germany, the Netherlands and Spain are all forecast to be gigawatt-scale markets in 2018. Globally, around 606 GW of new PV capacity is forecast to be installed between 2017 and 2022.

Leading solar, storage bodies combine to form Smart Energy Council

The Smart Energy Council, a merger of Australia’s leading industry bodies for solar and storage, will be looking to better reflect the country’s energy future.

Horizon Power to shave peak with MyPower, opportunity for batteries

Western Australian regional utility Horizon Power is rolling out a new program to incentivize consumers to reduce their consumption during peak hours. The higher fixed tariff may penalize solar homes; however, it does presents an opportunity for battery storage.

ARENA grants $1.9 million for distributed energy trials in WA

Western Australia’s electricity provider Horizon Power is set to receive a financial shot in the arm to install various distributed energy technologies in 90 homes and businesses in the coastal town of Carnarvon, which is home to the state’s first utility-scale energy storage, currently under trial.

Here’s a list of the most relevant social hashtags for #solar PR, marketing and advocacy

In his latest op-ed for pv magazine USA, marketing master Solar Fred goes over the do’s and don’t’s of hashtags in solar marketing.

Solar Saves Lives: The U.S. solar industry launches major hurricane relief effort

The Solar Foundation and 20 solar companies and organizations have joined forces with the Clinton Foundation, Operation Blessing and others to help bring power and clean water to Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.

Sterling & Wilson picks up 500 MW Australian pipeline

Indian EPC Sterling & Wilson continues to expand its Australian project pipeline. The EPC reports that it is working on projects worth a total of $600 million.

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