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Utility Scale Storage

Big battery announcements could see storage pricing ‘cannibalise’ itself

In November last year, Cornwall Insight Australia estimated Australia had 7 GW of battery storage projects in the pipeline. Since then, massive amounts of storage capacity have been added.


Improving PV-powered water electrolysis with external fields

Australian researchers have analysed different ways to improve the efficiency of PV-powered water electrolysis for hydrogen generation. They include the use of magnetic fields, light energy, ultrasonic fields, and pulsating electric fields. Energy costs remain prohibitive, but molecular movement and the redistribution of molecules in water during electrolysis could open a path to viability.

ACT includes 250 MW big battery in $307m budget announcement

The Australian Capital Territory Government continues its charge towards delivering big battery storage for Canberra’s energy grid with $100 million dedicated to provide at least 250 MW of large-scale battery storage.


Green finance innovation caters for ‘Virtual Storage’ market

Hydro Tasmania and buyers Macquarie Group and ERM Power have signed a ‘Virtual Storage’ deal which will see the pumped-hydro company sell the rights to its highest priced periods of ‘discharge’ and buying a fixed MW block of low-priced ‘charge’. The innovative contract is the product of the ARENA-funded Renewable Energy Hub.


WoodMac predicts 30% drop in Asia Pacific front-of-the-meter battery costs by 2025

A new report from Wood Mackenzie suggests costs of front-of-the-meter battery storage systems in the Asia Pacific region could decline by 30% by 2025. The declining costs are already having a palpable impact as 2021 has opened with a slew of large-scale battery project announcements.


100 MW battery storage facility proposed for rural Queensland town

A large-scale battery energy storage system is being proposed by Sydney-based developer Genex Power near Rockhampton, Queensland.


Complementary hybrid PV systems can reduce reliance on storage

Looking back over years of research into the topic of hybrid systems based on different combinations of solar, wind, hydro and other renewables, an international group of scientists found strong potential for strategies to exploit complementarity between the different sources integrate more intermittent renewables onto regional and national grids. The scientists present a series of conclusions and recommendations that aim to push research in hybrid renewables forward.


AGL continues march towards 850 MW of large-scale battery storage

AGL remains on track to add at least 850 MW of new large-scale battery storage to its portfolio by 2024 after securing energy storage technology companies Fluence and Wärtsilä to supply up to 1 GW of grid-scale battery storage.


Origin to build Australia’s largest battery at its largest coal-fired power station

Origin Energy has announced the progression of plans for a 700 MW megabattey with a dispatch duration of four hours at the site of its Eraring coal generator in the NSW Hunter region. The ageing Eraring Power Station is Australia’s largest, supplying approximately a quarter of NSW’s energy needs, and set to retire in 2032.

Neoen plans whopping 500 MW big battery to provide for NSW’s ambitious vision

Neoen Australia has filed planning documents for a 500 MW / 1000 MWh big battery to be built west of Sydney.


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