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CEFC tables Annual Report to Australian Senate

The Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC) has released its 2018-19 Annual Report on its investment into Australia’s clean energy transition. The report laud’s CEFC investment and provides optimistic reading for the energy transition.


SEC report highlights Top End’s potential, argues for CEFC-like fund

The release of the Future North report from the Smart Energy Council suggests Australia’s Top End region has firm potential to become a world-leading renewable economy, and urges for a North Queensland Development and Diversification Fund based on the successful model of the Clean Energy Finance Corporation.


QUT at the forefront of Australia’s hydrogen push

As the momentum is building behind hydrogen in Australia and abroad, the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) is leading the way in research and development with a range of initiatives on the ground.

Deakin researchers find ‘Holy Grail’ of PV module recycling

Researchers from Deakin’s Institute for Frontier Materials claim to have solved the biggest problem that’s preventing photovoltaic cells from being recycled.


A carbon scaffold to boost lithium-sulfur performance

Scientists at Singapore’s Agency for Science, Technology and Research have developed a new method to produce lithium-sulfur based cathodes which exhibit stable performance and high storage capacity over 200 cycles. According to the agency, this represents “a promising step towards the commercialization of lithium-sulfur batteries.”

Australia is transitioning to clean energy the hard way, Grattan Institute report shows

Public policy think-tank Grattan Institute has released a new report on energy policy, or lack thereof. The report, entitled Power Play: How governments can better direct Australia’s electricity market, makes a comprehensive overview of the current state of affairs and makes concerted recommendations.


Monash University researchers make electrolysis breakthrough

Researchers at Monash University have managed to find a way past one of the few remaining roadblocks to producing industrial quantities of hydrogen gas through electrolysis via solar energy.


Australia joins solar powered space race

The Australian Space Agency (ASA) has joined the next generation, or rather this generation, space race, between the U.S. and China. A $150 million investment from the Morrison Government into the ASA will see Australia partner with NASA on its next sustainable exploratory missions.

We can make roof tiles with built-in solar cells – now the challenge is to make them cheaper

Despite being such a sunkissed country, Australia is still lagging behind in the race to embrace solar power. While solar panels adorn hundreds of thousands of rooftops throughout the nation, we have not yet seen the logical next step: buildings with solar photovoltaic cells as an integral part of their structure.


As EVs build momentum, why is electric aviation still grounded?

Why is electric aviation still up in the air? Or rather, why isn’t it up in the air? We have Teslas on our roads, Melbourne’s trams are powered by solar, and trains are connected to the grid already, but why is electric aviation lagging behind?


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