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Energy Management Systems

High energy prices set to grow Australia’s rooftop PV installations by 2 GW in 2019

First-quarter data from Green Energy Markets shows double the uptake of small-scale rooftop solar on the same period last year as record numbers of residential and business consumers seek to reduce their electricity bills. The tendency for installations to increase toward year end suggests that more than 2 GW of solar will hit the rooftop tiles this year. How could this become a cautionary tale?


AEMO’s VPP integration trial, decentralized energy exchange secure funding

The Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) will underpin two innovative distributed energy projects – a trial to integrate a virtual power plant into the National Energy Market and a digital marketplace for grid services provided by rooftop solar arrays, batteries and EVs owned by Australian homes and businesses.

NSW dared to dream of a RET — now its vast renewable pipeline relies on Gladys

In the lead-up to the NSW election last Saturday, the difference between Labor and Liberal candidates’ support for renewable energy was stark. Now as the State waits for Gladys Berejiklian to form a cabinet, the planned large-scale renewables pipeline — some 16 GW of solar, wind and battery assets — begs for a co-ordinated approach to connection and distribution of the state’s future sources of power and prosperity.


Proof of C&I energy savings is in the PPA

New-generation energy retailer Flow Power will today release figures that show its high-use energy customers have collectively saved $14 million with power purchase agreements since the start of 2018. Such powerful testimony signals a new maturity in Australia’s renewable-energy PPA market.


The blockchain club

Open-source blockchain platform Energy Web Foundation has revealed the number of its affiliates has risen from 37 last month to 100. New members include EnBW, Total and the State Grid Corporation of China. The platform was conceived to create an energy-blockchain ecosystem and to accelerate the energy transition.

Australia’s political polar opposites on coal, solar, wind and climate

Australia’s two upcoming elections — in NSW this month and Federally in May — have brought to light the extreme contrasts that exist in Australian politics around the value of renewable energy, the indispensibility of coal to Australia’s economy and how the country might alleviate the high energy prices consumers are dealing with. Here are two recently presented views from each end of the political spectrum.

A new ultra super critical coal-fired electricity plant for NSW?

Energy is in the news as elections in NSW and at a Federal level edge closer. Today six Queensland National MPs called for the return of Angus Taylor’s Big Stick policy to scare down energy prices, three NSW independents wrote to the state’s Premier and Opposition leader demanding action on climate change, and a curious proposal for a new coal-fired power plant in the Hunter Valley emerged from Hong Kong.

Connections, storage wars and the cost of doing business: Australia’s solar year ahead

Summer is notionally over and analysts at Rystad Energy have coolly assessed the coming year into 2020; in Sydney the Rystad team convened an experienced panel of market participants to give their take on what solar developers, EPCs, investors, equipment suppliers and skill seekers can expect in months to come.

NSW gets a glimpse of its first ever renewable energy target

As climate change and energy security penetrate NSW political parties as potent issues in the upcoming State election, NSW Labor has upped the ante in the policy contest by setting a renewable energy target that could see 50% of the state’s electricity generated from renewable sources by 2030.

Southeast Asia’s solar energy “Cubed”

Rystad Energy, an independent research and business-intelligence company serving energy investors, has launched the Southeast Asian hub of its RenewableCube data-analysis product. At an exclusive gathering in a Barangaroo tower suite last Friday, Minh Khoi Le, Research Analyst for APAC Renewables outlined the solar prospects for the region with Vietnam at its irradiant centre.


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