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Victoria pumps $4 million in to boost rooftop PV roll out

More than $4 million will be delivered to seven commercial providers to support the installation of rooftop solar and electric hot water systems at scale as the Victorian government pushes ahead with its plan to transition to all-electric homes across the state.


Queensland outshines interstate rivals in rooftop solar stakes

Victorian solar company Solar Run has identified Queensland’s “aggressive” renewable energy policies as the driver for the state’s impressive PV installation rates with new analysis showing it leads Australia with more than 54,000 installs.

Future Made in Australia Bill paves way to renewable energy superpower goals

The federal treasurer Jim Chalmers has presented the Future Made in Australia Bill to parliament taking the next step to bringing into law pathways to help make Australia a renewable energy superpower.

Pumped hydro projects declared high priority by NSW government

Three pumped hydro projects that would deliver a combined 1,035 MW / 9,480 MWh of dispatchable capacity are among six projects that have been declared critical state significant infrastructure by the New South Wales government, potentially smoothing the way for their approval.


NT begins synchronous condenser conversion to support solar

The Northern Territory government has detailed plans to convert one of the gas-fired turbines at the Channel Island power station to operate as a synchronous condenser as a new report reveals the Territory’s electricity system is in a “prime but precarious” position.

Feds provide backing for more than 420 community batteries to share rooftop solar

The Australian government has beefed up its commitment to community batteries to support the integration of renewable energy in the grid with more than 420 battery energy storage systems to be installed in neighbourhoods across the country as part of its Community Batteries for Household Solar program.


Maryvale solar and storage project lands support in NSW tender round

The Maryvale solar and battery hybrid project being developed in central western New South Wales in one of two renewables projects with a combined generation capacity of 312 MW that have secured long-term energy service agreements through the state government’s latest tender round.


China could lead the world to net zero

China, with an 18% share of the global population, uses 26% of the world’s primary energy and emits 33% of the world’s energy-related CO2. The energy transition unfolding in the country isn’t merely a national affair as its ramifications echo globally, explains Mahnaz Hadizadeh, a researcher for consultancy DNV.


Australian Capital Territory commits to 100% renewables, rejects nuclear

The Australian Capital Territory legislative assembly has passed a motion expressing a commitment to power Australia with 100% renewable energy as soon as possible, and ensure the ACT remains free of nuclear power and nuclear waste.


Melbourne connects first battery as part of planned city network

The first of three planned 150 kW battery energy storage systems that are to form a combined 450 kW / 1 MWh capacity coordinated battery network across inner Melbourne has been switched on.

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